Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Importance of Support

      Once upon a time in a world of insanity existed a man who was trying to make sense of everything. I won't try to make this some weird analogy. I wont lie to you either...this man is me.
     It has been a while since I last wrote....anything. Life has a funny way of sucking out all the desire to do what you love doing and fills the void with crazy nonsense. I was siting at the computer for the umpteenth time and found, once again, that the thing I was going to write stopped feeling important. It stopped feeling fun, and I got mad. I had a lot of different stress's going on in my life, and still are, but that's nothing new. Never has my stress caused me to loss my desire to write... in fact I usually write more when I'm stressed. This time was different. The cause of my stress was slightly different, and it was robbing me of the only mistress my wife will allow, lady inspiration. 
     Inspiration wasn't the only thing taken. When my kids inspired me or a friend, I would sit down to write and I would draw a blank (not writers block, I don't get that) but a writers..... apathy  I just didn't care. Once I figured out that this was going on knowing  didn't make it easier to write, in fact it almost made it harder. I felt like a hypocrite when I started writing for my workshop. I was too sad to write fun poetry, I don't wax poetic when I'm angry. I got tired when I thought about short stories, and confused while working on the next chapter of The Last Son Of Krypton. All desire and drive to do what I loved more then anything (except my family) was gone.
     For the last month I thought of what I could do to make this blog better. I've (slowly) been adding audio to my poems. and making other plans, but not once did I think "Hey lets add another post!" I turned to my loving wife and explained my dilemma, she told me that, yes... everything that's going on is extremely stressful and important , but if not writing is driving me down the rabbits hole, and depressing me so much, (her words were "causing you to be such an ass") then I MUST write. so.....
     She sat me down
     Placed the computer in front of me and said "Write something, anything!. Just... don't stop until you feel better!"
I really like her, not just love, she's my best friend, so here I am writing....and you know what? I feel awesome!
     Thank you wife.
     Now I know why its so important to have someone support you if you're going to be a writer. Because Shit happens and a writer can be his/her worst enemy. We need somebody to hold our hands and slap the whiny out of us. Or to help us bully through our self's, to get back to what we love to do, which is to write.
     So to you would be writers out there trying to plug away at the blank page, plinking out whatever story you have spilling out of your overactive imagination, please take this piece of advice. Whatever fire you have to walk through in this life, if writing is what you love to do, then  it will be the cooling ointment that will get you threw un-burned. Make sure you have someone along with you to remind you of that. Don't  forget to tell them that you expect them to do it. If I had told my wife that I was going though my writing struggles months ago? I'd have been posting this whole time.

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