Thursday, March 5, 2009


I dream't this one...its just fun.

I'd like to be a wino
I'd like to take a drink
I'd like to throw up in a stupor
I mustn’t ever think

Id likes to be albino
I do it all th’ time
And whean you take me to th’ barr
I drink it withs some…. Tyme.

I….um….like th’……..DRink
Buu… nogh’t aaa.. FREak
I……eat! An I....….Sleep!
Annn i...............Wha th’ He'ow U look’en at?
U somofabish….im gounna kishk u-are………………


Aaron Miller said...

I dont really drink, I just thought of this and thought it was funny.

Natoone said...

I have to say that this is the funnyest poem I have ever read bro, awesome.... my nephew ryan says: this is a great poem. I really liked it.