I know a year marks one revolution around the sun in orbit so maybe the yearly yuletide come from an ancient worship of the solstices, You know, the longest day and shortest day of the year. If so, why did the farthest placement of the earth from the sun become the starting point of a new year. Could the cold darkness of space be a type of death, then the earth hurling back into light is like a birth of sorts? Spring comes next, and that's full of all kinds of new life, animals, new plant growth, new rain... I can see it, but maybe I'm cynical because the past springs up to haunt us so frequently throughout the year that I can't help feel that this new year thing is a hoax perpetuated by the "man" so that he can lull us into a false sense of security to spring up on us when we aren't expecting...
Do you remember Chad from three years ago?!! He's right here and you own him money!!!
Think about how many times we say "Next year will be better" or "When we get our taxes next year we will..." or next year...(place your statement, I know you have one)..."

But as "now" passes into past we can measure that as maturity, is that when things will get better? when we are more mature? Its true that we make better decisions when we have more experience, it can definitely be said that we are not the same people from year to year. We become better (or worse) individuals and make our choices based on our new perspectives. So maybe the phrase "next year will be better" would be more true said "Next year I can make this decision better"
Ha ha ha ha ah aha ha ahs ahss aha sha ssahs ahs h sha h hah! ....I'm laughing at my self.

Cynicism aside, I know that at the heart of all humanity a new year brings hope, and hope is at the heart of every wish. A hope that, at some point in our lives other then now, we will overcome! or be given a break so we can overcome. So here is a trick I learned from a very wise old man. "Close your eyes and imagine all that you hope for and desire in every detail; the sight, smell, texture, whatever makes it feel as real as possible. Make sure that you imagine an end result, as if you just received in now, and its over. Once that is done be grateful for it now. Hold on to that gratitude until your desire is delivered to you. If you never receive it, you never wanted it. But if you truly desired it and you held on to your graduated then you will receive all that you hope for."
With that being said, and since its happening now...
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