I wrote this all down in a frenzy; it really wrote itself. The "boom boom boom" and subsequent lines came first but I rearranged it in editing. I can't tell if its just a bunch of words, or if it means anything...I like to think it does, but I like reading it fast and out loud!
Isn't it funny how the world moves along
Like it’s all sunny from an Ipod song
People wrapped up in the digital age
Poured from the cup of a marketing sage
Now bear with me and keep in mind
Life isn't free and neither is time
And nature is expecting to protecting
The invention of the mind, you see, it’s our destiny.
Universal plans pay no attention
To solar bands or natural selection
It just plugs in the numbers and sends em off
But people that are “smart” like to laugh or scoff
And say "this is this and that is that!"
But I gotta dis um and do combat
With the little antiquital plate of vittles that we dribble for,
and feed ourselves from off the shelves that the businessmen put there themselves
We're better than that! Stop being fools
Unplug the hats that make us tools
Step outside to forgotten lands
The sun shines brighter than pixels can
But boom, boom, boom you're on the run
Heading to your room like a loaded gun
Rat-a- tat-tat what's up with that
I'm getting fat, sit'n where you're at
Inside your shoes, watching your blues
Your somber news and you're messed up views
And I’m see'n what you're be’n and your pleadin's
Disagre'n, with the pedigree of your family tree.
And the world moves on at a dizzying pace
Your ipod song is all over the place
And the digital age moves up a phase
While the marketing sage gives himself a raise
And you keep eaten what they put on your plate
And your heart keeps bleeding for your sorry fate
There’s no time to unwind from the grid
That you mind plows on through
Like all people do and that what’s always expected of you
The endgame starts when you decide
You're done with shame and push it aside
Grab the reins and pull up your boots
Forget the pains, there's nothing to lose
Step out side and tip your hat
Squint your eyes at the habitat
Then spring into the ring and bring a life that truly sings
the song of gratitude with a beatitude and you'll get in the mood for better food
You want more then the world can give?
Shake off mans fetters and get ready to live.
Yup... and yup. Standing ovation.
Thanks Natey
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